Dispensing glue system

Dispensing glue system

About dispensing glue system


It can continuously form dot gluing functions on multiple items, and use vision to identify features, calculate all plane information coordinates, and perform angle translation compensation to compensate for the position of each item on the work platform. The deviation between the actual position on the screen and the position information of the glue gun can be accurately corrected to achieve the stability of the product.

Applicable scenarios



Applicable material environment, metal surface, plastic surface, electronic products, glass surface bonding, optical lenses, chip bonding


Applicable products are used in industries that require gluing.

Jig unstable

Applicable to unstable environments where product fixtures are placed.

Differences from other manufacturers

Matrix arrangement or tray-in-turn-out jig production mode, rapid multiple increase in production capacity
CCD automatic correction and alignment system
Single point/multiple point/any point height measurement compensation object height confirmation difference
Production operation record
Dual glue guns provide switching
Automatic glue dispensing and glue gun cleaning operation in standby
Quickly switch production recipes
Quickly notify managers of real-time production information
Operator permission login control

Actual Case


3D glasses glue

  • -----Cing Lian Ltd.

    Regional matrix sample dispensing finished product

  • -----Cing Lian Ltd.

    3D Glasses Glue Sample

  • -----Cing Lian Ltd.

    Automotive lens dispensing

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